Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Little man

 My son Miles was the best Christmas present that I ever received. Born Christmas evening 1994. I have to post a picture of him because he's been checking my new blog every 5 minutes since I started it. It's so hard to do justice to a short post about him but let me just say that I could not be more proud of the young man that he has become. He's smart, gregarious, artistic, sarcastic, hilarious and if I had a Thesaurus handy I could come up with dozens more appropriate adjectives. He is an excellent clarinet player, budding photographer, lover of classical music and opera, and soon will be giving me a run for my money in every field that I'm good at (he's surpassed me already in a few). He just closed one chapter of his life. That being of an adopter of abused reptiles. He had been the lizard dad of 4 or 5 lizards over the past 4 years and had taken care of them quite well. He found good homes for a few and a few others completed their life cycle. He just donated his final lizard to the local elementary school because he knew that Jessie, his 20 inch long Bearded Dragon, would get much more attention from the Critter Keepers of the library than he would be able to give her considering his ever busying schedule.

I've taken a hundred million photographs of Miles but I do like this one from last summer taken when he was assisting me and helping me check the light for a location portrait shoot.

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